
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Shea Stadium, The New York Mets and Missed Baseball Opportunities

This past summer I traveled to Flushing Queens to purchase a new mountain bike (which I still haven't picked up) and since the 7 train passes by Shea Stadium, I figured, let me get off the train and take some pictures of the final subway series game between the Mets and Yankees. As soon as I get off the train, the sky opened up and drowned the area, so I had to take what photos I did take under the 7 train elevated tracks:

Shea Stadium Subway Series Photo

Now, I follow the Mets during the season but as I got older and the business side of baseball grew from a mole to the mountain that it is today, my interest has dropped off.

Fast forward to today, October 16, 2008
The Philadelphia Phillies are representing the National League in the 2008 World Series, which should disturb most Mets fans and the Mets players themselves. I thought that the Mets firing of Willie Randolph was supposed to have propelled them into playing better baseball especially under the steady tutelage of Jerry "With Friends Like Him You Don't Need Enemies" Manuel.

Shea Stadium - Another Angle of Last Subway Series Game

Let's face it: Team is a concept that is only real in high school or amateur sports, when the only thing being played for is pride. When you try to put the team concept into an arena whose participants are millionaires several times over and whose owners are always looking at things that affect the bottom line, using the term team, does a disservice to the meaning of the word and the self-lessness that it is supposed to inspire.

Shea Stadium Alongside Citi-Field, Last Subway Series Game

Don't get me wrong: Players and owners should go after every penny that they feel they are worth or can make; there is nothing wrong with that. Just don't try to wrap up the spirit of team and selflessness into an arena or forum where selfishness is the spirit of the day.

Another Photo of the 2009 Home of the New York Mets

Back to the firing of Willie Randolph
So the Mets fired Willie Randolph and Omar "Stealth Firing" Minaya said he tossed and turned over the decision, let the man board a plane, go cross-country and then fired him on the left coast or was it the left side of Omars' brain? Anyhow, seeing the Phillies in the Fall Classic should be a motivator, hopefully and should put tremendous pressure on Jerry "I Gots Ya Back" Manuel, to perform or be fired.

A New Baseball Home for The Mets or Back To the Scene of the Crime?

Perhaps this time, Omar will perform this task locally and not at an ungodly hour.

View of Shea Stadium - Right Field Opening

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