Living Room Area of New York City Hotel

With the hotel stay and for each night that you stay at this New York City hotel, there is a complimentary made to order breakfast every morning and a managers cocktail party, with complimentary drinks every evening. It is secure and it offers a very reasonable rate for the night considering that it is in New York City.
Here is the Bedroom of this New York City Hotel

We started taking a few pictures before the game started but when the game started we put the camera away. This is the first of the six packs that came into our hotel room at this NYC hotel but we did work a few beers.
Beers Chilling in Sink at NYC Hotel

The whole point is that we watched the game, no one was too drunk and we did the hotel room in case anyone who drove their car, needed to dry out or sleep it off before getting behind the wheel of their car. Embassy Suites is a very good New York City hotel and is a great place to stay when traveling to New York City or when doing the tourist thing.
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