Much thanks go to the sponsors of this event, namely, Yahoo and Clickable. The space and the refreshments were very much appreciated and set the theme for this very unique Search Engine Marketing users group. See Photos:

All succulent appetizers and beverages provided by Clickable and Yahoo

Items in this picture appear closer than they actually are

A Place to go to wash everything down

The 2nd Place to wash everything down
After arriving and sampling the food, the meeting was called to order by David Fall, VP, Product Management - Search Technology for Double Click and SEMPO Board Member who presented an eloquent introduction about SEMPO, it's purpose and goals and how the New York SEMPO meetup factors in. (See Photo of David below)

Followed by David, was Sara Holoubek, who was born to lead the New York SEMPO meetups. She skillfully illicited key future discussion points, stayed on message and gave both sponsors (Yahoo, Clickable) their due. She allowed this writer, an SEO Specialist for Martindale-Hubbell, to compile this little pictorial and she gave floor time to Maia Benson of Martindale-Hubbell to speak about the SEO initiatives underway at Martindale for all of its clients. (See Photo of Sara holoubek below)

As we moved from discussion to "liquid refreshments", this writer knows that the stewardship of the New York SEMPO meetups are in good hands with the likes of David Fall and Sara Holoubek. For more information on membership in SEMPO, visit the SEMPO website
1 comment:
Wow! what a masterful post! Everyone I've met with SEMPO has been great.
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