
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Digital Photos/Videos Breakdown on Web

I've been posting video and photos on the web for so long that I've noticed a phenomena where the digital photo and video files, will start to break down or decay after repeated viewing. The only reason I can see that this happens is because of the repeated I/O on the video and digital files on the server. What I have started to do and in order to keep my files crisp and clear for new users, is to upload the same file every few months or maybe even once a year, depending on the location of the image and the use that that image or video file plays on my website.My Website

View Article on image, video and print decay online.

To load balance any machine, you must attack or decrease the instance of disc I/O's. A disc i/o on the low end is a read of a file on a particular disc; on the high end it is a write, update or replace of that file. In the next posting, I will talk about disc i/o's and how to optimize your disc to decrease the seek time on your disc drive heads.

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